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Clark's Run- Main

Updated: Apr 17, 2021

Located in the very tip of Northern Virginia is this fun, challenging, and beautifully wooded course that grabbed our attention from the get go.

Clark's Run Disc Golf course challenged us right out of the gates with a tough first hole through a tight wood line followed by a 200'+ water carry on Hole 2,

Talk about a warm up!

Despite being through the woods for the entire course, the course has very little brush to worry about (at least in the Spring when we played) so shots that go awry are very easy to find and play out to the fairway, unless of course you drop it into the center of their lake.

Also located on the same property is a small, 9 Hole course that is named Scattersville and is absolutely perfect for beginners, to warm up, or to play a fun round with just putters and mids to test your short approach game.

Let's dissect this course and check out all it has to offer!

The basket at Hole 12 shows off the beauty of this very wooded course, we were playing in

early spring before the green up but the course was very open with very little brush.

Here my Innova Wraith found itself close after an upshot to save par.

Course: Clark's Run- Main

Location: Leesburg, Virginia

Tees: Concrete

Baskets: Innova DISCatcher

Pay to Play for a suggested donation of just $5 per day at the drop box

18 Holes

What I liked:

  • Very scenic with open woods and very little brush for rogue throws

  • Very challenging holes

  • Beautiful, concrete tee pads

  • Small 9 Hole course located on the same property is great for beginners or to play a round with only putters/mids

What I didn't like:

  • A few holes had extremely tight "lines" to the basket that seemed to require more luck than skill

Tee Boxes- 5/5

I've played few courses that had tee pads that were as well maintained as Clark's Run.

Featuring concrete tees on all the holes, not only were the tee pads plenty long for a run up approach, but many of them had excellent transitions from the earth to the pad to prevent tripping on any type of long run up.

The tee boxes were also clearly marked with the hole number, and second tee pads were well marked when needed.

Drop zones for the water carry were clearly marked and were not concrete, but not necessary either as it would be no different than throwing from your landed disc.

The Concrete tee pads at Clark's were second to none!

Baskets- 5/5

The DISCatcher baskets were in great condition and in areas where the basket was difficult to see due to terrain changes, the baskets were affixed with either a long pole or flag to quickly locate.

On a course as nice as Clark's, you would expect the baskets to be in great shape, and they were!

So nothing too much to rave about in the basket department.

Navigation- 4.5/5

The course had very few signs throughout from hole to hole, but their trails are so nice that they were absolutely not needed at all!

As you can see below, the walking trails were better than most hiking trails that I've been on and were extremely cart friendly on nearly all of the holes.

There were a few holes that were a little trickier to find than others but they were not hard to find with a small amount of effort and nothing that took away from the overall experience of playing a round.

I do feel that the course would benefit from tee signs for aiding in location of the pins as well as information such as the tee to basket distance, but this is just being nit-picky.

The course is lay-out in a very well thought out and flowed very nicely from hole to hole, the designer did an excellent job in not only this department, but every category as well.

A snapshot of the beautiful walking paths found throughout the course to get from hole to hole

Difficulty- 4.5/5

This course has no shortage of difficult shots and will challenge you to say the least!

Not that there aren't holes that give you a more favorable and manageable look, but there are not many holes on this course that will not test your skills.

Tight, wooded lines, a water carry, out of bounds, guardian trees, hard turns and dog-legs, this course has it all!

My only knock on this course is that some of the holes, to me, seemed to have more of an element of luck than skill to successfully play on.

Meaning, there were seemingly no lines or extremely small lines that anyone who is not local would not know about. Not that these holes are not manageable, but the obstructions on some holes seemed rather scattered and random at times, to me anyways.

That being said, it didn't take anything away from me while playing the course, just worth noting that your shots better be on point or you will be scrambling to make par.

Throw in some elevation changes and you got your self a real, tough, course!

Appearance- 5/5

For being a heavily wooded course, the underbrush on this course was very minimal.

It's worth noting that I'm not sure if it was because we played in the spring before the green up or not, but there was just very little brush that would make retrieving an errant throw difficult.

There is some water/creeks throughout the course that might prove difficult depending on the weather and conditions, but nothing too hazardous.

As mentioned, the walking paths were very well maintained, the tee pads were clear of debris, and there were very nice bridges/crossings over the creeks present throughout the course.

This course is definitely taken care of which adds to the experience of playing here.

Overall- 4.8/5

All in all, this course is definitely one of the best courses I have ever played at and I would not hesitate to make the trip down to Virginia to play it again.

We decided to check it out because of the rave reviews and those reviews/expectations did not disappoint in the slightest!

While the course in itself is great, the added bonus of having a small Par 3 Hole 9 right next door makes the whole experience even better.

If you're inclined to make the trip or in the area, this is definitely a course that you do not want to skip. Just remember your $5 donation and off you'll go!

Played this course before? Let us know what you thought of it in the comments!

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Steve Ganz
May 13, 2022

Now would be a great time for a return visit! We’ve since added tee signs, introduced a couple of alternate tee and pin positions, and recently performed an amazing amount of course work to prepare for the LoCo Open A-tier. The course has never looked or played better.

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