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Stafford Woods Disc Golf Course

Rated the #1 disc golf course in New Jersey, and for good reason! This beautiful course was a must stop destination on our third disc golf tour trip of the year.

And we weren't the only ones interested in this course, as the parking lot was filled with at least 30 vehicles when we arrived on a sunny Saturday morning around 9 am.

The course features extraordinary scenery, challenging holes, well groomed fairways, and everything else you'd expect from a course of this caliber.

We were definitely impressed to say the least!

So without spilling the details too much more, let's get into the full review of Stafford Woods Disc Golf Course.

Course: Stafford Woods Disc Golf Course

Location: Voohees Township, New Jersey

Tees: Brick

Baskets: DGA Chainstar

Pay to Play? No, free to the public

18 Holes

What I liked:

  • Scenic, wooded course

  • Multiple pin/tee locations

  • Perfect level of difficulty

What I didn't like:

  • Very crowded, no fault of the course, but it bordered on being busy enough to warrant tee times

  • The silver chain star baskets were tough to see on some holes as they blended in well the scenery, painting them any color would make the stand our much better

Tee Boxes- 5/5

There isn't much bad to say about the appearance of the tee boxes on this course as they were impeccable.

Very clean and very well taken care.

The boxes were all made of brick which added a nice unique touch that you don't see on many disc golf courses, even ones with concrete pads.

If we were to knock them for anything, it's that some seemed to be a little short and some even had a drop off on the front of the box that could potentially be a safety concern. But this isn't enough to drop the course from getting a 5/5.

Baskets- 4.5/5

As it was briefly mentioned in the start of this article, the baskets are definitely the biggest downside to the course.

To be clear, the DGA baskets are all in great shape functionally, with little sign of wear and tear.

However, the flat metal color is terrible for many of the wooded holes and made it challenging to figure out where the basket was at times, event when in plain view.

If we were to offer up any suggestion for the course, it would be to switch to a bright color, whether it be in the form of a basket overhaul, or simply painting the existing baskets to make them more visible.

Despite the color, these baskets still get a 4.5/5 as they are in good condition, and get the job done as expected.

One nice touch this course had related to the baskets was that Circle 1 was marked with tufts of orange, artificial grass, which definitely is a help during tournaments, leagues, and other sanctioned events.

Navigation- 4.5/5

Overall, the course was very easy to navigate from hole to hole with us only needing to ask some fellow players for the location of one tee box.

There was some (minimal) time spent trying to locate baskets due to their color, and sometimes we weren't 100% sure at first if we were on the long or short tee box. But all of these problems were resolved quickly with some brief looking around.

The paths from hole to hole as well as the fairways were extremely clean and well maintained, with wood chips scattered throughout for a nice, scenic touch and to keep weeds down.

Additionally, each hole had very well designed signs that gave general shot shape and the distance from tee box pin, which definitely aided in disc selection on multiple holes.

There were signs that help point you in the right direction to the next tee box, but the course could use a few more here and there if we're being nit-picky.

Difficulty- 4.5/5

Despite being heavily wooded in areas, very few holes felt un-attackable, not to say they weren't difficult, but you certainly had a reasonable chance to hit your line and end with a good approach to the basket on your upshot.

On the flip side, missing your line will definitely cost you a stroke in most places to play out back to the fairway for an open look.

Several of the more open holes require you to rip the disc for maximum distance and even then the basket would finish in a more wooded spot requiring more precise placement.

Besides the wooded terrain and long holes, this course also features just about everything a disc golf course can have, including water carries and multiple elevated baskets.

If this course lacks anything, it would be OB's, and there are very few holes that are true big arm holes of 800-900 feet.

One of the neatest baskets on the course was this one suspended from a tree! We both nailed our putts!

One of two water carries on the course, this one was very manageable!

Appearance- 5/5

As I mentioned multiple times, this course was in great condition.

The grass was mowed down nicely, the fairways were clear of all major debris, the tee boxes were clear, and all the holes were simply in just great condition.

Even the tall grass that acts as a "hazard" was well maintained with paths mowed throughout it for easy walking after grabbing a rogue disc.

We had zero complaints on how this course looked, hats off to those who manage and maintain this beautiful course.

Overall- 4.7/5

It's no surprise to us that this course averages out to nearly a perfect score in all categories.

There are some minimal things here and there we'd like to see changed but that is truly being picky and just trying to find something negative about this course, because it was a great course to visit and play on.

We would even go as far to say that it is a destination course for anybody within 2-3 hours of drive time as we were only 40 minutes away from where we were staying and would have headed back in a heart beat.

This course will not only challenge you, but you'll be able to take in all the great forest vibes and have the opportunity to interact with tons of players if you choose as its a very popular spot.

All in all, we would not hesitate to stop by and play this course again sometime soon!

So be sure to check it out for yourself any chance you get!

Played this course before or play it often? Let us know what you thought of it in the comments!

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