The final stop on our spring disc golf tour trip to Virginia was on our way home at Woodsboro Regional Park in Woodsboro, Maryland.
We weren't quite sure what to expect at this course, but the reviews on both Udisc and both seemed favorable so we thought it was worth the look.
Despite the rainy day, we are definitely glad that we took a break from driving to squeeze in a quick round on this 20 hole course.
The rain definitely didn't help the playing conditions, but once we were used to the wetness, our round went very smoothly, even amidst a mid-round down pour that was sure to soak every last dry part on our bodies.
The half wooded, half open course was a very nice level of difficulty that doesn't completely overwhelm you, but also doesn't have very many "gimmies" either and you will work to make par in a full round.
As if things weren't challenging enough, we decided to play Ript Revenge through the first half of the course, a first for me, and I thoroughly enjoyed it and believe that everyone should play it at least once!
Without giving away too much more,
Let's get into this review!

This sign/map near the parking area is a nice resource to stay oriented throughout your round!
Course: Woodsboro Regional Park
Location: Woodsboro, Maryland
Tees: Dirt/Gravel
Baskets: Innova DISCatcher
Pay to Play? No, free to the public
20 Holes
What I liked:
Scenic, wooded course
Multiple pin/tee locations to mix it up
Good mixture of challenging and open holes
What I didn't like:
Gravel tee boxes were more dirt and the rainy conditions did not help
Some holes had no clear line to the basket and didn't make sense from a layout standpoint
Tee Boxes- 2/5
Probably the biggest downside to this course was the tee boxes. Not that they were bad for what they were, but the dirt/gravel mixed tee boxes that are probably excellent in dry conditions definitely don't handle the rain well.
This was especially true on holes where there was less gravel and more dirt, which was mud when we played.
The tee boxes were nicely built and on many holes boxed in nicely, but due to the nature of unimproved tee boxes, they just simply don't hand the weather well, and unfortunately, we played on a rainy day.
Despite the conditions, the tee boxes were in okay shape and allowed us to get decent footing as well as avoid the puddles on some of the tees.

Many of the tee boxes were framed out nicely, but could definitely
use some maintenance and freshening up with new gravel

Tee box on Hole 3 after some steady rain
Baskets- 4/5
The Innova baskets were all definitely in playable condition with little signs of rust, but they were also far from new.
On some of the holes, the baskets were not perfectly straight, as shown below, but they still get the job done and catch discs as intended.
A nice touch was that the baskets were colored according to their location which made playing to different baskets a breeze if you wanted to play a mixture of longs and shorts.
Hole 2 DISCatcher Basket
Navigation- 4.5/5
Overall, the course was rather easy to navigate and we spent very little time searching for the next tee and basket on nearly every hole.
There were a few holes where we had to walk ahead to get a visual of the basket, but not frequent enough to be annoying or make us devote much time to the task.
What was really nice is that in areas where finding the next hole would have been a little difficult, there were signs and trail markers to point you not only in the right direction, but also distinguished where the various tee boxes were as there are multiple layouts on many of the holes.
The walking paths from hole to hole were very well maintained and clear of debris, which made navigation a breeze throughout the wooded course.
Because we did have to search for an occasional box here and there, the course doesn't quite garner a 5, but it earns a respectable 4.5.

Signs throughout the course definitely helped keep us from getting lost from hole to hole

Many of the holes had signs with the hole stats, pin location, and tee location in addition to
the boxes being marked clearly but not every hole had the same amount of markers
Difficulty- 3.5/5
This course was tough to grade on its difficulty as it seemed to be a course of 2 halves.
The front 10 was much more open compared to it's back 10 counterpart, but where difficult holes were sprinkled in on the front half, some easy holes were also scattered throughout the back half as well.
In addition, this course had a very good mixture of holes that were very easy and straight forward, and it had holes that were extremely challenging and required a lot of precision to execute cleanly.
After weighing it all, I would rate this course as a 3.5 in the difficulty category.
A little over half the holes had tight lines, but the lines were there and completely playable, even for us playing it for our first time.
Throw in some easier holes and this course falls just shy of that 4/5 difficulty ranking as many of the holes were not overly long either.
To make things a little more challenging, and as we briefly mentioned, we decided to play a little Ript Revenge on the first of this course which turned out to be a blast!
To make the round a little more fun and interesting, the first 9 holes we played some Ript Revenge,
Click on the picture to check it out on Amazon!

Appearance- 4/5
Despite being a wet and muddy day, the course was very clean and seemingly well taken care of.
There could definitely be some maintenance done on many of the tee boxes, but the course itself was very clean and clear of debris.
There were also holes that looked like the
pin had been recently moved, so the finishing work hadn't been completely finished, but it did not take away from the overall experience we had while playing.
The walking paths were very clear and easy to walk on, which was a nice touch compared to other courses in wooded areas.

Overall- 3.6/5
Overall, this course is definitely slightly above average, especially for a local, public course.
It's not necessarily a destination disc golf course to drive from hours away to play, but it's definitely a course to check out if it's within reasonable driving distance and you have the time to play it.
The wooded holes will challenge all aspects of your game, with even the open holes forcing you to play with great precision to take some birdies when you can get them to salvage a par from the more difficult holes this course has to offer.
If this was my local course, I would be extremely pleased to play it as regularly as I could as it would definitely make me a better disc golf player.
If you get a chance to play this course, be sure to set aside some time and get out and play it as it's a fun little course to squeeze a round in at.

Played this course before or play it often? Let us know what you thought of it in the comments!
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