If you haven't heard by now, where have you been!?!?
The BEST and most popularly used disc golf app available is
UDisc does have a free version where you can log your round's score, but to maximize the true value of this app, participating in the Pro version will cost you a measly $4.99 A YEAR.
Doing so will also unlock more features and allow more content to be saved to you and your friends' profiles!
Before we get started however, we want to note that we are not affiliated with Udisc, we just simply love all things disc golf that help players improve their game!
What are the key features of Udisc?
With the Pro version you'll be able to, per UDisc's app notation:
Automatically share scorecards with friends
Participate in worldwide leaderboards
Keep your data safe in the cloud
Access across all your devices
Keep score with Apple Watch

From the home screen of the Udisc app, you can see all the great features you have at your disposal!
App functions to pique your interest as must haves:
Live scoring
Plugging in another player's UDisc Pro username, email, or PDGA number gives you the ability to see each other's scores during the round, even from each person's phone.
This has come in handy for league rounds since Covid19 has been problematic with social distancing and not sharing score cards and pencils.

UDisc has a Course option that helps players find courses surrounding them by 10, 25, and 50 miles from their current location as well as a search option to type in the name of a course.
These courses have the GPS directions available to make finding them super easy.
So, you can find the course you want, and get to it, so the final part is having the availability of a map showing your how to get from hole to hole via satellite as long as you have your GPS setting turned on.
This makes getting through those less than par marked courses quicker. The map function is able to be easily switched off and to a view of how the current hole you're at is shaped.

Courses, courses everywhere!
Looking for a last minute event? Check out the events tab!
This tab quickly shows the tournaments and leagues in your surrounding radius that are linked to discgolfscene.com, making signing up for your next event that much easier!

Your Profile
This tab keeps track of the courses you've been to, displaying them on a map of the USA or likely wherever in the world you may reside. It also displays how many rounds, holes, and different courses you have racked up.
Your personal stats can also be found here should you take advantage of inputting your throws during each hole. This can help track your birdie, par, bogie, etc percentages, putting stats, your scrambling ability, and all your Ace dates!

Measure distance
Something almost all of us love is when we have a crush off the tee pad, or a bomber in practice. Well, there's a Measure Throw option that uses GPS to allow you to keep track of those rips or use it for distance practice with your different discs.
You can input your discs into the app and then select that disc when you take a measurement. The new features allow for selecting if the throw was a backhand or forehand, roller, and the distance.

Recent additions to the app are Putting Practice and Accuracy Practice. These features give you structured set ups and then score you based on your input. This is a great way to practice by yourself when you're just not sure what you can be doing to maximize your session.
Rules and Regulations
Quick access to the rules of disc golf can be found in the More Options menu.
These aren't an exhausted list of the tabs within the app, but are the best ones to showcase for your enjoyment.
How much does it cost?
As mentioned, the Udisc app, at the time of this article, is just...
$4.99 PER YEAR
That works out to less than $0.02 per day, well worth it for everything it does for you!
But wait,
Want to get the app for FREE!?
You read it correctly! If you want to take advantage of this amazingly functional app that all the professionals, amateurs, and up and coming players are using, all you have to do is register for a PDGA number at PDGA.com.
Once you're a registered member, your UDisc Pro membership is a free benefit!
So head to your phones app store, download Udisc, and go play some disc golf!
Shop for all your other disc golf needs from discs to bags to gear at Infinite Discs by clicking on the banner!
*Disc Golf Guys are not affiliated with Udisc and this is not a paid sponsor, we simply love all things that help disc golf players!*
**Some links are affiliate links, you can read our full affiliate disclosures on our home page**