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Writer's pictureBrandon

My New Discs for the 2021 Season to Climb the Ratings

2021 was the return of the tournament season for me.

It had been long awaited due to Covid19 shutting down much of the competitive play in 2020 as well as personal endeavors such as moving and taking on other jobs to pay the bills.

With the fire of Disc Golf Guys getting up and going, I elected to move up a division and push myself to not only play against tougher competition, but I set a goal to achieve 900 rated by the end of the season.

How did I fare??


While I did sit at 896 at one point, I have to be thoroughly happy to have almost obtained my season goal.

Nonetheless, it was an exciting season and I couldn't have made as much progress as I did without making some necessary adjustments to my disc selection.

Disc #1

The first step I took going into this season was to really work on Hyzer-flips.

I had been a dominantly flat release thrower and I've watched so much footage on how hyzer-flips increase accuracy on tight wooded fairways (which we have a ton of here in PA), and also grab more distance in the open with a proper tailwind and an understable disc.

For this addition I went with the Dynamic Discs Captain.

I actually had won the Captain in my first tourney of the season in February where I played in 8 inches of hardened snow.

Over the next few weeks of playing with it, I realized this was going to be a great disc to flip up for me, drift to the right a bit, and make it's way back to the middle of the fairway.

For the majority of the season, this held very true until we get to a later part of this journey. The Captain has a really nice flight when looking for an S-curve pattern.

You can learn more about it by clicking on the picture below!

Disc #2

I had been in the market for a substantially more overstable mid-range. I was looking at some options but after watching a video, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to get my hands on a Dynamic Discs Justice.

This disc was the perfect amount of beefy that I needed to fulfill in my bag. It's flat top and easy fit for my stacked grip made it an excellent option for forehand flicks.

It also became a major go-to for backhands that needed some quick dumping action.

You can check it out by clicking on the picture below!

Disc #3

Towards the end of the season, I finally was able to get myself a Discraft Hades.

Let me tell you, this disc is money when it comes to distance!

While it's still fairly new, I'm getting very good drives off the tee on a flat release and I know that as it beats in a bit more, it will likely replace my Captain which is beginning to become too understable for my arm speed.

Both continue to reside in my bag as I really enjoy the Hades for wooded holes and the Captain for open field bombers as it tends to drift a bit more depending on the wind direction.

Check it out by clicking on the photo or link below!

Wrap UP

All three of these discs made a huge change to my game and it was amazing returning to competitive play.

Branching out and playing tournaments in four other states only increased my love for it.

Additionally, meeting and talking with so many new players is the drive behind what we're doing with Disc Golf Guys.

This article also serves as a reminder that even if you have a set bag of discs that you play with, it's always good to be constantly evaluating what you could be missing and add to your current options.

If you're newer to the disc golf scene, we HIGHLY recommend checking out your local disc golf clubs and using to find tournaments around your area to get your competitive juices going.

Competition is a wonderful way to meet other players, learn, and make yourself a better player.

Here's to looking forward to the 2022 disc golf season!!

Happy Disc Golfing!

Shop all things disc golf for your 2022 season at Infinite Discs by clicking on the banner below!

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