Looking for a fun way to mix things up during your next round of disc golf?
Ever wondered what it would be like to make your friends throw with their off hand on a tee off?
Then look no further than the fun and exciting game by Innova,
Click on the picture to shop Ript Revenge at Infinitediscs.com!
What is Ript Revenge?
Ript Revenge is a card based game by KnA games and Innova that adds fun and variety with interesting challenges to an otherwise ordinary round of disc golf.
The game is meant to be played with 2-4 players so be sure to invite your friends to play!
The cards include everything from mulligans to challenges that force your opponent to use specific techniques or shots they wouldn't otherwise take on that hole.
Challenges such as forcing an opponent to throw a drive with their non-dominant hand and throwing a roller are among the 54 cards in this game's set.
It is a great way to mix things up and level the playing field some when players of multiple skill levels are all playing together.
How do you play Ript Revenge?
To play Ript Revenge, each player who is participating is given 3 random cards from the top of the pile prior to the first hole of the course.
From there, depending on the specific play instructions on the card, a player can choose to put up to one card in play per hole.
Once played, the card goes to the bottom of the stack.
Only one card can be played per player and a player can only have on card played on them per hole.
So 3 players cannot gang up on one player hole after hole after hole. But all players who are playing can play a card on each other for every hole if the rule on the cards allow it.
After the hole is complete, whoever wins the hole receives a skin, and whoever loses the hole draws another card to be played. If no player wins the hole over the other players, no skins or cards are given out until a hole is won outright.
So if nobody wins hole 1 but a player does win hole 2, that player would be awarded 2 skins and the other players would draw 2 cards.
Players can only hold a maximum of 7 cards at any given time.
At the end of the round, the player with the most skins is named the winner, it's as easy as that!
*You can read the full official rules from KnA Games by clicking HERE*
Sounds fun right?!
So now you may be asking yourself,
Where Can I buy Ript Revenge?
Because you HAVE to try it!
Luckily, Ript Revenge can be found at a variety of online and instore disc golf retailers.
The good news is that the game is very inexpensive (less than the price of nearly all discs), so click on the picture below to check out the current price on Amazon.
If however, you would prefer to add Ript Revenge to a disc order you already have with Infinite discs, then click HERE instead!
If you have already played or own Ript Revenge, then you may be interested in another game option:
It is available at Infinitediscs.com, you can check it out by clicking on the picture below!
If you give Ript Revenge a try or have already played it before, be sure to leave a comment or send us a message about your experience.
And as always,
Happy Disc Golfing!
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