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When Do I Need More Disc Golf Discs?

Whether you started with a few hand picked discs, freebies from friends, or a starter pack, at some point you may find yourself wanting more.

This could come from gaining experience, learning new techniques, discovering how your own discs fly under various conditions, or even losing some.

Granted, you CAN play disc golf on any course with any discs, even if you're the kind of person that only uses 1 disc for everything, or a starter pack of 3-5.


Most players naturally want to try new discs as they begin to understand flight paths better, which turns into an obsession to try other discs.

You could chose new discs because you see someone else throwing something specific, either a friend or a professional on YouTube, you find that different plastics and weights begin to feel better in the hand, or you aren't able to accomplish certain shots with the discs that you have.

The list goes on and on.

You really need to begin considering adding more discs to your arsenal when you begin out growing your current discs or find yourself in situations where you realize you could have been better prepared with a different shot selection than what you have available.

For instance, this can come from beginning to turn over your original discs uncontrollably.

Disc turnover happens as your form progresses and/or your throwing muscles mature and develop to be too strong for the speed rating of your discs.

If you find yourself being unable to get any fade out of your discs whatsoever, it may be time to add some more stable or overstable options to your bag.

Another scenario may look like this,

You've been able to almost master your straight shots and turnover shots, but many courses create the need for quick fading shots requiring overstable disc options.

Because all of your discs may be understable, you will then need to find an overstable option to be used for those big hyzer shots.

You may also come to learn that you really enjoy short forehand approach shots and your understable discs just don't dump to the green fast enough.

Progressing to slightly more overstable, or high fade discs can open up more shot options to your game.

We highly recommend learning understable discs first to learn proper form and technique as overstable discs can mask mistakes.

However, overstable discs also become quite essential to help combat different winds on the courses.

Knowing you have something in the bag for a direct headwind increases confidence where otherwise a disc like an Innova Valkyrie would have sailed wide right on you, way off the fairway.

Testing and learning new discs is a lot of fun and there are hundreds of options out there now with more disc golf companies popping up all the time.

With different companies comes different plastics, weights, colors, stamps, and even discs to support your favorite professionals..

One final note to offer,

As you continue to use your discs, they will beat in or sometimes get damaged.

Replacing them at least every season can help keep your stabilities more reliable to what you're looking for.

It's great to have that perfect turnover disc in the bag, but as you get stronger and gain better technique, you'll rely on most of your discs having a certain level of stable or overstable finish to them.

As your current discs beat in and become too flippy for your arm speed, you may also consider moving up in

speed or fade to keep your tools appropriate for your needs.

Trying new discs is fun, especially when they are added to the bag. It can be overwhelming at first with all of the various options out there, but as you play more and more, you’ll begin to realize the limitations of your discs, which in turn helps you figure out what flight ratings you’re looking for to accomplish that particular shot.

And that’s how you’ll know when you need more discs!

Keep a look out for a future article where we dive into the thought process you should go through when looking for and choosing your next disc.

But until then,

Stay Inside the Circle!

You can shop for all of your new discs at Infinite Discs by clicking on the banner below!

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