For the majority of the country, summer weather is here and in full swing, and as a result, disc golf players around the world are hitting the courses and enjoying everything the sport has to offer.
But, did you know that there is an actual day devoted to the celebration of disc golf???
That's right, a National Disc Golf Day!
If you've never known that such a day existed, you may now be asking yourself,
When is National Disc Golf Day?
and the answer to that question is
The first Saturday in August every year!
this year, the first Saturday happens to fall on
August 7th, 2021!

That means that you have weeks and weeks to prepare for such a special day in the disc golf world that we as players should not only celebrate and participate in,
but also promote to and share with others!
So now you may be asking yourself questions such as,
What is significant about National Disc Golf Day?
How do I participate in National Disc Golf Day?
Both are great questions and both are answered a variety of ways.
A National Disc Golf Day is a great idea because it creates another opportunity for us as players to further promote and grow the sport.
While we don't need a special day to do that, it does help set the stage for us to use as leverage to really put this awesome sport out there.
In addition to us doing our part, many disc golf brands out there also do their part in the form of contests and giveaways to increase the excitement surrounding this great day.
How can I participate in National Disc Golf Day?
Well that's completely up to you!
But here are some great ideas to get your wheels turning.
Play disc golf- what better way to celebrate the day of the sport we love than by patronizing our local course and playing a round of disc golf? To make things better, invite some friends whether they have played before or not. You could even make it a family affair and bring along the whole gang. You can also spice things up by trying out a new course that you have never played.
Invite new players to join you- Although we just mentioned this, it is deserving of its own number as it is vital that we continue to grow the sport and expand its popularity all around the world.
Support your local disc golf shop- This is something that we advocate year round, but if you were going to purchase a new disc or 2 at throughout the year, this is the day to do it! You could even gift a starter set to one of your friends who is new to the sport or interested in trying it out.
Set up a community event- Advertise and host an event for the community at a local park where you could set up games, do demonstrations, and simply educate people about the sport. This is a big undertaking, so don't hesitate to ask for help from other local players!
Sign up for a tournament- Go out and give it your all at a local tournament and help out a local disc golf club. If there is no tournament nearby, take matters into your own hands and set up one yourself or ask your local disc golf club to set one up!
Volunteer!- Volunteer your time at a local course to do some maintenance such as trash pickup, brush clearing, or to help make any modifications. Always check with our local club or course management to get the go ahead or coordinate a work day. Then afterwards, enjoy a round of disc golf!
While these are the big ideas, there is literally an endless amount of ways to participate in the fun this day.
Bottom line, if you're doing even something as simple as field work or putting practice, you're participating.
What if I missed National Disc Golf Day?
If you happen to be reading this article on a day that is past the designated day for celebrating the sport, no worries!
The good news is that you don't need a day to enjoy, celebrate, and promote the sport, or do your part in growing it.
You can do it each and any day you want to!
If you need some ideas on how to promote disc golf, then check out our article,
to get you going in the right directions.
And if you want to partake in the fun and excitement of National Disc Golf Day next year, then mark your calendars for the first Saturday in August and you'll start planning today!
Happy Disc Golfing!
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