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Writer's pictureBrandon

Why Is My Disc Going to the Right?

"This disc isn't flying the way it used to."

"This disc is way more understable than it used to be, especially when I throw it harder."

We've all been there where we've said these same sentences during the early parts of our disc golf careers and think that is something is going on with out discs.

But the fact of the matter is, these statements are generally WRONG.

And in fact, we are typically the problem before the disc is.

While we love to put the blame on the disc to take less of it off of ourselves, there are multiple reasons why we are the ones causing our RHBH (right hand back hand) throws to burn over to the right, or left for our lefties out there.

Assuming you're not throwing forehand on every shot (which could be causing most discs to go right), in this article, we're going to take a look at some of the most common problems we see that could be causing this excessive turn, let's dive in!

1. Standing Too Tall

More often than any other reason for our discs to burn over to the right is due to being off balance and standing too tall during the release point of the throw.

When we attempt to overpower a shot, it's not uncommon for a player to lead with their front shoulder and/or get excessively tall in their stance as they perform the pull through as an efforts to get the disc higher in the air for maximum distance and glide.

If your release angle stays relatively the same, but you're now too tall and/or leaning back too much, this'll get your disc on a greater anhyzer angle than desired and could kill its attempt to stable out of it's flight.

Couple this with the extra power you just tried to apply and now you have an unintended burner or roller.

Staying down and over your toes more should help keep the disc flat, and prevent you from applying too much anhyzer to the disc.

2. Wrist Angle

Another form problem that most people face is their ability to maintain the proper angle of release on the disc for the shot selection needed.

Some people teach that you should always throw a disc on the same angle and the same pull through, just change the disc for the shot. Others teach that you can adjust your wrist angle to maximize the potential of the disc's flight pending which disc you want to use for the shot.

Regardless, if your wrist angle somehow switches to an anhyzer release and the disc isn't stable enough to fight out of it, then your disc is very likely to turn over to the right.

Wrist angle is crucial in making sure you're getting that ever-so-slightly nose down for optimal distance, but also not being cocked in too much hyzer or anhyzer which will then effect the fade or turn of the disc.

3. Foot Stance

The final form critique is generally going to be placement of your feet during the throwing phase.

To gain the most amount of power/inertia of your throw, you've got to incorporate your lower body. Whether your use the x-step or a form of a stand still, the important part here is making sure your front foot is staggered further forward than your back foot during the throw.

The front foot should be planted ahead of the rear foot for two solid reasons:

  1. This decreases the amount the hips can be opened up to the right (RHBH) causing accidental late throws (grip lock), and

  2. Gives the legs and hips better rotation/torque to generate more power to be transferred into the front brace leg.

If you record yourself throwing from the front and notice that your front and back leg are stacked one in front of the other, this could very well be adding to the issue of throwing more to the right.

4. Wind

Likely the most difficult to predict so far on our list, is reading the wind appropriately.

Wind reading is very difficult.

Unless you're the last person on your card to throw, figuring out the wind for the entire length of the hole is massively challenging.

You could have a tail wind off the tee box, then mid way across the hole it changes to a left-to-right cross wind, before being a tail wind again at the pin.

Well, you read the tail wind and ripped an understable distance driver almost flat down field. It stands up and carries like an excellent bomber but then it PUSHES HARD RIGHT!?

The left to right that you weren't expecting just pushed the disc and caused it to turn over and over and over.

Same could go for a headwind.

If you don't throw a disc that's overstable enough, the headwind will decrease the stability of the disc and also push the disc to the right, especially if you mess up the previously mentioned nose and tilt angles.

Slightly nose up or too much anhyzer and the disc becomes a sail, grabbing wind and going where it's pushed to rather than cutting through and gaining you accurate distance.

The wind is a complicated topic, so if you need further help with it, be sure to check out THIS ARTICLE.

5. Disc Selection

This whole article we have talked about non disc reasons for a flight path to the right, so finally it's time to address disc selection.

However, we're talking about your decision of choosing the wrong disc for the shot, rather than the disc doing something you don't think it should be.

It's obviously up to you to know your bag and what your discs fly like. Grabbing a disc that's known to be quite understable or one that you've had a couple years and has beaten in could aide in the disc burning over with any of the above mentioned reasons.

Using the proper tools for the job is a part of the game and having those tools is your responsibility if you're looking to decrease your strokes.

So practice with your discs frequently, and learn how they fly under all conditions.

Most discs don't suddenly become understable in one day, even as they beat in. Getting hands on practice with them frequently is the only way to know how they fly for you, and adjusting accordingly.

If you are struggling to get discs to fly to the right, then perhaps you do need to grab some understable options. A topic we cover for you in our article, Disc Golf Drivers That Go to the Right.

That being said, these are our top 5 reasons why YOU are likely the cause of your discs turning over too much and finishing right...or wrong.

So get out there, practice your form, and get those discs flying where you want them!

Happy Disc Golfing!

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